A Triumph of American Tenacity

Today, I came across the story of Capt. Scott Smiley, a soldier who was seriously injured by a car bomb in Iraq. He was rushed to a medical center for help, and for a moment, flatlined. He came back though, and somehow pulled through the ordeal. The blast left him blind in both eyes. I won't try to re-tell his story, but his experience is one that everyone should know about.

His story is one of courage - courage to serve his country, and courage to overcome and rise above his injuries. He still continues to serve this country on active duty, because he realized that he still had a lot to give, and he still had a lot of fight left in him. His family also deserves our gratitude, because they had to deal with the situation as well. In the churn of daily news, it seems that all we hear about are the misdeeds of the rich and famous, instead of talking about men like Capt. Smiley. It seems like we expect to hear all the bad, all the time. We should never forget that there are men and women like Capt. Smiley who are serving this country with courage every day - on and off the battlefield, dealing with hardship - on and off the battlefield. These are American heroes, and they remind us of what the American spirit is all about.

It is a real coincidence that part of his story talks about technology. In particular, he relies on software to help him use a computer for everyday things like checking email and reading documents. We take these things for granted, but for him, special software is needed. This is yet one more reason why accessibility is so important, as I explained in an earlier post. The next time I hear someone say that we don't need accessibility features in websites, I'll remind them of Capt. Smiley.


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